
presents NEXT GEN

helping those just starting out with a career in software engineering and data

The Truman Brewery, 85 Brick Lane, London E1 6QL
12 May 2023 | 2:00pm - 4:30pm or 5:00pm - 7:30pm

register to attend NEXT GEN

for anyone with less then 12 months experience looking for an entry level role

meet the teams supporting early stage careers in tech

  • tiktok jobs in London at NEXTGEN
  • Not on the high street jobs in London at NEXTGEN
  • King jobs in London at NEXTGEN
  • aws jobs in London at NEXTGEN
  • Ocado jobs in London at NEXTGEN
  • le wagon jobs in London at siliiconmilkroundabout

presents the 2nd edition of NEXT GEN

friday 12 may 2023
2:00pm - 4:30pm or 5:00pm - 7:30pm

Our new event especially for those just starting out and looking for an entry role within software engineering + data.

NEXT GEN is specifically for:
  • Graduates
  • Code school/code bootcamp alumni
  • Juniors with less than 12 months relevant & continuous experience
  • Professional experience in other areas but looking for an entry level tech role
+ interested in a career within software engineering, computer development, data science and machine learning

4 reasons to attend NEXT GEN

  1. Meet and chat with some of the most innovative tech companies in the UK (and beyond) who are hiring for entry level roles
  2. Take things at your own pace and explore the different options available to you, theres no pressure
  3. Attend our inspiring and educational talks running throughout the day
  4. Its free to attend! We even throw in a free're welcome
need any more reasons?

companies who attended our previous NEXT GEN event

Why NEXT GEN matters?

The NEXT GEN event is our way of creating change by doing what we do best. We recognise its blinkin' hard to get your foot in the door and be given and opportunity.
We want to help and support those just starting out with a career in tech!

So we're partnering with some of the UK's most innovative companies who are hiring and creating an inspiring space where you can have face to face conversations about how to kick start your career. This will initially be for people looking to get into software engineering and data but we hope to cover more roles as the event grows.

This is also a really exciting opportunity for tech companies to give back and help support the next wave of tech talent coming through.
  • What roles are included?

    The NEXT GEN event covers the same roles as our main Silicon Milkroundabout event:

    • Software engineering & development
    • Data science & BI
  • What's the format of the event?

    Like Silicon Milkroundabout, the focus of NEXT GEN is meaningful one to one conversations. However rather than just being about hiring, the NEXT GEN event is also about companies providing helpful information about the next stages of your career including, available job roles, advice, graduate schemes, internships, courses and mentorship.

    It'll be in the same venue as our Silicon Milkroundabout event at The Truman Brewery in East London. There'll be a live DJ, free bar, ball pit + lots and lots of conversations.

    As the venue has a maximum capacity and to allow us to issue as many tickets as possible we will be running two separate sessions of the event. The first will be from 2:00pm - 4:30pm and the second will be from 5:00pm - 7:30pm.

    This is our 2nd edition of the event (so go easy on us) but we're hoping to turn this into a similar scale event to Silicon Milkroundabout, providing the next generation with a wider array of help across a variety of jobs roles within tech.

  • Can I attend Silicon Milkroundabout on the Saturday or Sunday if I have a NEXT GEN ticket?

    Your ticket is only valid for the NEXT GEN event on Friday 12 May. Due to capacity at the venue we are only able to issue one ticket per person for either the NEXT GEN event on 12 May or Silicon Milkroundabout on the 13 and 14 May. If you have received a ticket to the NEXT GEN event it is because that is the event we think you will get the most out of based on the information you provided on your profile.

  • How do I know who is hiring at the NEXT GEN event?

    You can filter how the companies can help you (including those who are hiring now and who are interested in hiring in the future) using the drop down menu at the top of the NEXT GEN page.

  • Why have I received a ticket to a different day to what I wanted?

    We issue tickets to the day we feel you would get the most out of based on the information provided in your profile.

    The NEXT GEN event is for those just starting out in their career, typically with under 1 years experience. Silicon Milkroundabout is for more experienced tech professionals with the Saturday focusing on Product, Marketing and Design and Sunday focusing on Engineering and Data Science.

    Due to the capacity at the venue we are only able to issue one ticket per person to either NEXT GEN or Silicon MIlkroundabout - if you think we have made a mistake then please do let us know by emailing [email protected] and we can review your application.

  • Can I bring a plus 1?

    If you're feeling nervous or anxious about attending, that's perfectly natural. We're a friendly bunch and want to help as much as possible. We're on hand to answer any questions or give advice as best we can either before or while you're at the event.